• Baking for Special Occasions

    Using Substitutes In Baking

    Using Substitutes in Baking Using Substitutes in Baking 1. Using applesauce as a baking substitute Title: Taking a Saucy Stroll: The Delightfully Delicious Dance of Applesauce in Bubbling Bakes Can we sass up your baking a notch? We bet you’re thinking, How’s that possible? But, dear reader, hold onto your oven mitts because we’re taking a crisp, juicy detour and diving waist-deep into the alluring world of applesauce substitutes. Yes, that’s right! Your childhood snack and Grandma’s delight, applesauce, is not only nutritious and tasty but also a surprisingly successful undercover agent in your baking pursuit. Roll up your sleeves and get ready to be inducted into the secret baking…