• Baking for Special Occasions

    Troubleshooting Common Baking Problems

    Troubleshooting Common Baking Problems Troubleshooting Common Baking Problems 1. Identifying and fixing over or undercooked baked goods Title: Mastering the Artful Antics of Baking: Dodging Dough-dastrophes Baking, as it turns out, is more akin to performing alchemy than you might think. Combine ordinary ingredients, chant some incantations (or so it seems when reading foreign dessert recipes), apply heat, and voila! Instant culinary gold. But, alas, your baked Brusselsprout Bundt cake might emerge as Kryptonite. Unearthly color aside, how can one discern whether it’s horribly overcooked or dismally undercooked? Grab a detective hat, your trustiest toothpick, and prepare to unravel some baking mysteries. Meet the Culprits – Overcooked & Undercooked Bold…